Sunday, August 1, 2010

poo, tooth #7, and weekend

so, charlie and i have been trying (without success) to get a video of sweet smith while he is taking a poo.  it is pretty priceless and i have finally succeeded.  i will admit, it is not an oscar winning performance as there are much better ones than this, but at least you get the idea.  the rumor is, charlie used to make a very similar face when he was a baby.  no comment on whether he still does :)  without further ado, here is the video (oh, and the noise you here right before he makes 'the' face, is not what you think it is me making a noise with my lips...imitating the one he just did at first of video):

also, man....we have had a rough week.  smith is just having a difficult time coping with the fact that he is now the old, ripe age of 8 months.  hahaha.  no, but since his 8 month b-day, he has a new fussiness that was not there.  this morning, i noticed a SEVENTH tooth (on the top) for my boy.  so, that makes 2 new teeth in the matter of a week. i might be fussy too!  i would also say that he seems a bit frustrated.  the boy is soooo ready to crawl, but cannot get it to work out for him yet.  i feel sorry for him, but just try to continue to encourage him.  it is a bit difficult because as i sit in front of him, trying to coax him to me...the dogs think i am calling them.  this doesn't work out so well, as they get right in between me and the boy.  poor pups, they want to be loved so much!  

i have continued to work on my projects and promised a few pics of the finished product.  here are some things i have completed:

above is the front of the girly high chair/grocery cart cover and below is the side and back of same cover

above is a tie onesie..i made the tie and tag, not the onesie :) and below is a couple of baby blankets for friends.

1 comment:

  1. Excited to leave a comment :-) LOVE your new blog. Keep it updated as I'll be checking regularly!! My favorite pic is the one of Smith man with the awesome mohawk. He is absolutely the cutest!!!
    Love ya!!
